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What are bargains, and how do I use the feature?

Daniel Bagge avatar
Written by Daniel Bagge
Updated over a year ago

What is the bargain feature?

Have you ever tried to find the skin you were looking for, but the price was a bit too high for your taste - or possibly listed a skin for a price, you would be willing to lower a bit? If that is the case, the bargain feature might become your new best friend! 🀝

When listing an item on GamerPay, the seller can choose to allow bargaining - if they decide to do so, all buyers (with enough wallet funds) can request a bargain/place a bid for a lower price than what the item was listed for - however, bargains are limited to maximum 20% lower than the listing price πŸ’΅

How do I use the bargain feature?

As a buyer, you browse the marketplace or open the item details page. If the seller has allowed bargains for the item, you will be able to request a bargain on the item by pressing 'Bargain'. When you have selected a price, you should send a tradeoffer to the seller through GamerPay. Now the seller will be notified regarding your bargain. They have 12 hours to accept or reject your bargain πŸ•›

As a seller, when you go to the 'Sell' and select either an item that is Not for sale or For sale, you will see a checkbox with the text 'allow bargain' - if the box is checked, bargaining will be allowed on your item. When you receive a bargain, you will be notified like a normal sale, however, on the 'Trades' page, you will see a different section for bargains. Here you can accept or reject the bargains that may have been placed on your items πŸ’°

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